viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

AHRQ Patient Safety Network ► ISQua's 32nd International Conference.

AHRQ Patient Safety Network

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ISQua's 32nd International Conference.

International Society for Quality in Health Care. October 4–7, 2015. National Convention Centre, Doha, Qatar.

This conference will explore the theme "Building Quality and Safety into the Health Care System" and provide a pre-conference workshop in addition to sessions on topics such as involving the public as partners in patient safety research, the global nature of the challenge of improvement and the learning opportunity review of hospital mortality presents. Dr. Ara Darzi, Rosemary Gibson, and David Marx will participate as plenary speakers.

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Related Resources
Canada's Virtual Forum on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.
Canadian Patient Safety Institute. October 28–November 1, 2013.
ISQua 2013—Edinburgh Recorded Sessions.
International Society for Quality in Health Care. October 13–16, 2013; Edinburgh, Scotland.
The 17th Annual NPSF Patient Safety Congress.
National Patient Safety Foundation. April 29–May 1, 2015; JW Marriott Austin, Austin, TX.
Just Culture Certification Course.
Outcome Engenuity. April 7-9, 2015; Wheeler Heart and Vascular Center at CoxHealth, Springfield, MO.
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