Summer 2015 Issue #43
News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP
Databases and Products: New database and product releases
Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools
HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions
HCUP Events: Upcoming HCUP conferences and meetings
Missed the last e-News? Read it on the HCUP-US Web site.
District of Columbia Hospital Association Joins as HCUP’s 48th Partner
HCUP welcomes the District of Columbia Hospital Association as our newest HCUP Partner! With this addition, 48 Partners now participate in HCUP, making it an even more powerful data resource. All participating Partners provide inpatient data to HCUP, and some provide ambulatory and/or emergency department data. For a complete list of Partners providing each type of data, please refer to the detailed information provided on the State-Specific HCUP Databases.
Coming This Fall: The 2013 National Inpatient Sample
The 2013 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) is planned for release this fall. The NIS is the largest inpatient care database in the United States. It includes all patient visits regardless of payer: Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and the uninsured. Researchers and policymakers can use the NIS to identify, track, and analyze national trends in health care utilization, access, charges, quality, and outcomes. Its vast size enables analyses of infrequent conditions, uncommon treatments, and special patient populations.
The 2013 NIS will be available for purchase through the HCUP Central Distributor, and select statistics will be available on HCUPnet, a free online query system based on data from HCUP.
Announcing HCUP 2014 Outstanding Article of the Year Award Recipients
Two studies will receive the HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting. The Award, sponsored by AHRQ and AcademyHealth, honors articles published in peer-reviewed journals in 2014 that used HCUP data to explore and address health care research topics and issues.
These awards represent the fifth annual HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Awards. Since 2010, AHRQ has recognized exceptional research conducted using the HCUP databases in two areas: clinical and health policy. This research continues to enhance public conversation about health care costs, outcomes, and trends. Abstracts for this year's winning articles are featured below in the Publications Using HCUP Data section. Congratulations to the recipients!
Learn About HCUP at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
HCUP will be hosting a number of events at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, which will be held June 13–16 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Activities include a 4-hour preconference workshop, a 90-minute overview presentation introducing HCUP and another AHRQ data source titled the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), numerous podium and poster presentations, and an exhibit booth. A complete list of HCUP sessions is available on the HCUP-US Web site. We hope to see you there!
Clinical Classifications Software for Services and Procedures Now Available for Fiscal Year 2015
The Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for Services and Procedures has been released for Fiscal Year 2015. These files can be used with HCUP and other administrative health care databases. CCS - Services and Procedures handles more than 9,000 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes and 6,000 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes. These codes are collapsed into 244 clinically meaningful procedure categories that may be more useful than individual codes for presenting descriptive statistics. The CCS Services and Procedures can be used for a variety of research purposes, including identifying populations for procedure-specific studies or developing statistical reports providing information (such as charges and length of stay) about groups of procedures. For more information, visit the Tools and Software page on the HCUP-US Web site.
Now Available: The 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Beginning with the 2014 report, the National Healthcare Quality Report and National Healthcare Disparities Report have been combined into a single report, the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR). The new report highlights both quality and disparities to provide a complete picture of health care. As one source of data for the reports, HCUP contains national estimates of AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs), potentially avoidable inpatient costs, emergency department visits, and other measures. National and State-level HCUP estimates included in the report also are available on the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports Web site. For questions, please contact AHRQ User Support.
Recently Released: Additional 2013 State Databases Since March 2015, the following 2013 State databases have been released:
- State Inpatient Databases (SID): Arkansas, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia
- State Ambulatory Surgery and Services Databases (SASD): Maine, Nevada, New York, and North Carolina
- State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD): Maine, Nevada, New York, and North Carolina
Complete listings of available databases by year can be found in the Database Catalog on the HCUP-US Web site. Databases can be purchased online through the HCUP Central Distributor, and aggregated statistics for selected States can be accessed via HCUPnet.
New HCUP Statistical Briefs Posted on HCUP-US
- #189 Hospital Readmissions Involving Psychiatric Disorders, 2012
- #190 Characteristics of Hospital Stays for Super-Utilizers by Payer, 2012
Two New HCUP Method Series Reports Now Available
Methods Series Report #2015-03: HCUP External Cause of Injury (E Code) Evaluation Report (Updated with 2012 HCUP Data) evaluates the reporting of external cause of injury codes (E Codes) on injury-related discharges in HCUPdatabases.
Method Series Report #2015-04: 2012 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) Comparison Report compares estimates of discharge counts from the 2012 NIS to the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) inpatient data from theCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
These and other HCUP Reports can be found on the HCUP Reports page.
Publications Using HCUP Data
Vora NM, Holman RC, Mehal JM, Steiner CA, Blanton J, Sejvar J. Burden of encephalitis-associated hospitalizations in the United States, 1998-2010. Neurology 2014 Feb;82(5):443-451.
The authors of this study received the clinical 2014 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award. Using data from the 1998–2010 Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), they found that the proportion of encephalitis with an unspecified etiology decreased over time, which attests to advances in diagnostic technologies. Evidence also suggests that immune-mediated forms of encephalitis are more common than previously noted. An article abstract is available via Pubmed.
Ellimoottil C, Miller S, Ayanian JZ, Miller DC. Effect of insurance expansion on utilization of inpatient surgery. JAMA Surg 2014 Aug 1;149(8):829-836.
The authors of this study were the recipients of the policy 2014 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award. They used 2003–2010 Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York State Inpatient Databases (SID) data to examine the differential effect of insurance expansion on utilization of discretionary versus nondiscretionary inpatient surgery, with Massachusetts health care reform as an experimental condition. They also examined the effect of similar changes in utilization after insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act. An article abstract is available via Pubmed.
To read additional recently-published articles featuring HCUP data, please visit the Research Spotlights page on theHCUP-US Web site.
I recently purchased HCUP Nationwide and State Databases from the HCUP Central Distributor, but have a few questions related to the HCUP Data Use Agreement (DUA) practices.
- I am working with others in my institution on a study using HCUP Nationwide and State Databases. Are they required to sign DUAs?
- If I purchase subsequent years of HCUP Nationwide and/or State Databases, am I required to submit a new signed DUAs?
- Do I need to submit a new signed State DUA if I plan to re-use the HCUP State Databases I purchased for another study?
- I am interested in linking HCUP data to another data set. Is this covered in the DUA?
I am working with others in my institution on a study using HCUP Nationwide and State Databases. Are they required to sign DUAs?
Anyone with access to HCUP data or access to results from the data that contain sensitive information (such as information by individual hospitals or aggregated statistics with small cell sizes) must complete the DUA Training Courseand read and sign the Nationwide DUA and/or State DUA. Both the signed DUA(s) and the DUA Training Course completion certificate (or certification code) must be submitted to the HCUP Central Distributor before any collaborator can be granted access to the data.
If I purchase subsequent years of HCUP Nationwide and/or State Databases, am I required to submit a new signed DUA?
The Nationwide and State DUAs are occasionally updated to reflect new practices or protocols. Users are required to sign and submit a Nationwide and/or State DUA each time they submit a new application to purchase HCUP databases. The online DUA Training Course does not need to be completed more than once. It is important to retain the certification code you received upon completion of this course for future use. However, the online ordering Web site only accepts current certification codes. If your DUA training code is in the format "HCUP-XXXX-XXX" where "X" is a letter or digit, you will need to retake this training. The training course takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Do I need to submit a new signed State DUA if I plan to re-use the HCUP State Databases I purchased for another study?
If you are using previously purchased State HCUP databases for a different or expanded purpose than the one you originally described, you do not need to sign a new DUA; however, you are required to submit a re-use request to theHCUP Central Distributor. The request must include an updated Statement of Intended Use.
I am interested in linking HCUP data to another data set. Is this covered in the DUA?
You may link HCUP data to other data sets as long as the external files do not contain identifiable data. HCUP data are consistent with the definition of limited data sets under the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. HCUP data do not contain direct patient identifiers, and the linked file cannot contain identifiers.
The HCUP DUA also places restrictions on directly or indirectly identifying hospitals through any medium. Specific restrictions on data linkages are addressed in the DUA Training Course.
Information about requirements for publishing with HCUP data is available on the HCUP-US Web site.
For other HCUP questions, please contact HCUP User Support.
June 13–16, 2015: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM)
October 4–6, 2015: AHRQ Research Conference
October 19–21, 2015: National Annual State Health Policy Conference
October 28–30, 2015: National Association of Health Data Organizations 30th Anniversary Meeting
October 31–November 4, 2015: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition
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