miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Register Now: June 19 Webinar on Health IT Safety

Register Now: June 19 Webinar on Health IT Safety

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

EHR Usability and Health IT Safety
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is hosting a webinar Friday, June 19 from 1- 2:30 p.m. ET, on the role of electronic health record (EHR) usability in health IT safety. Presenters will discuss the measurable cognitive impact of health IT on provider work processes and describe gaps in EHR vendor usability practices. They will also explain how ensuring better outcomes for EHR users requires organization-wide competence in user-centered design, usability, and patient safety and how aspects of the health care environment can  make user-centered design especially challenging.

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