miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

PCMH:PCMH: Home | Formative_Evaluation

PCMH:PCMH: Home | Formative_Evaluation

Webinar Registration

Correction to Electronic Newsletter, June 24, 2013 (Issue #385)

Register for July 15 Webinar on Advanced Methods in Delivery System Research

An upcoming AHRQ webinar will focus on formative evaluation, a process that occurs before or during a project’s implementation to improve its design and performance. The webinar, to be held on July 15 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EDT, will feature Jeffrey Smith, Ph.D., Implementation Research Coordinator of the Veterans Administration (VA) Mental Health Quality Enhancement Research Initiative. Dr. Smith’s presentation will focus on Formative Evaluation: Fostering Real-Time Adaptions and Refinements to Improve the Effectiveness of Patient-Centered Medical Home Interventions, an AHRQ Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Research Methods Brief posted on AHRQ’s PCMH Web site. Other webinar participants are Cheryl McDonnell, Ph.D., Director at James Bell Associates and AHRQ’s Michael Harrison, Ph.D., Senior Social Scientist. Select to register for the webinar

Formative Evaluation: Fostering Real-Time Adaptions and Refinements to Improve the Effectiveness of Patient-Centered Medical Home Interventions

March 2013
AHRQ Publication No: 13-0025-EF
Prepared For:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850, http://www.ahrq.gov/

Prepared by: Kristin Geonnotti, Ph.D. (kgeonnotti@mathematica-mpr.com), Deborah Peikes, Ph.D., and Winnie Wang, B.A. (Mathematical Policy Research); and Jeffrey Smith, Ph.D. (VA Mental Health Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System)


This brief focuses on using formative evaluation methods in studies of patient-centered medical home (PCMH) models. It is part of a series commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and developed by Mathematica Policy Research under contract, with input from other nationally recognized thought leaders in research methods and PCMH models. The series is designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine PCMH models. The PCMH is a primary care approach that aims to improve quality, cost, and patient and provider experience. PCMH models emphasize patient-centered, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible care, and a systematic focus on quality and safety.

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