viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

New Web Platforms Promote Effective Health Care Program Resources

New Web Platforms Promote Effective Health Care Program Resources

AHRQ has boosted its ongoing dissemination of the Effective Health Care (EHC) Program’s evidence-based tools and resources by launching web platforms for both consumers and clinicians. As part of the Agency’s Treatment Options initiative, AHRQ developed English and Spanish language Facebook pages titled Treatment Options: Explore. Compare. Prepare. and Informate. Compara. Preparate. The Facebook pages link to the EHC Program’s short, unbiased treatment summaries that help readers compare treatment options, understand treatments’ benefits and risks, and prepare for medical appointments. Meanwhile, and launched new pages that highlight EHC Program resources. WebMD encourages visitors to know their treatment options by exploring EHC consumer publications on diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and other conditions. Medscape features EHC clinician research summaries on cardiovascular health, women's health, diabetes, endocrinology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, psychiatry and mental health, and pulmonology. Health professional sites (, Family Practice News, Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants) link to content on the EHC Program Web site, and consumer sites (Healthline, Remedy Health, CNN Health, Terra) link to consumer resources on the new Facebook pages.

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