Pediatrics. 2013 Feb;131(2):207-16. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-1255. Epub 2013 Jan 6.
The burden of influenza in young children, 2004-2009.
Poehling KA, Edwards KM, Griffin MR, Szilagyi PG, Staat MA, Iwane MK, Snively BM, Suerken CK, Hall CB, Weinberg GA, Chaves SS, Zhu Y, McNeal MM, Bridges CB.
Department of Pediatrics, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA. kpoehlin@wakehealth.eduAbstract
To characterize the health care burden of influenza from 2004 through 2009, years when influenza vaccine recommendations were expanded to all children aged ≥6 months.METHODS:
Population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza was performed among children aged <5 1000="" 3="" 5="" acute="" and="" by="" chain="" children="" clinic="" computed.="" counties.="" department="" during="" emergency="" enrolled="" fever="" for="" had="" hospitalizations="" illness="" in="" influenza="" inpatient="" medical="" nasal="" of="" or="" outpatient="" outpatients="" p="" per="" population="" presenting="" proportions="" rates="" reaction="" records="" respiratory="" reverse="" reviewed.="" seasons="" settings="" swabs="" tested="" their="" throat="" to="" transcriptase-polymerase="" us="" were="" with="" years="">RESULTS:
The study population comprised 2970, 2698, and 2920 children from inpatient, emergency department, and clinic settings, respectively. The single-season influenza hospitalization rates were 0.4 to 1.0 per 1000 children aged <5 10="" 25="" 2="" 35="" 58="" 5="" 7="" against="" among="" and="" annually.="" antiviral="" children="" diagnosed="" diagnoses="" discharge="" for="" from="" fully="" had="" highest="" hospitalized="" infants="" influenza-negative="" influenza.="" influenza="" medication.="" months.="" months="" of="" outpatient="" outpatients="" p="" physician-ordered="" proportion="" ranged="" received="" seasons="" study="" tested="" testing="" the="" throughout="" to="" treatment.="" vaccinated="" were="" with="" years="">CONCLUSIONS:
Despite expanded vaccination recommendations, many children are insufficiently vaccinated, and substantial influenza burden remains. Antiviral use was low. Future studies need to evaluate trends in use of vaccine and antiviral agents and their impact on disease burden and identify strategies to prevent influenza in young infants.5>5>- PMID:
- 23296444
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- PMC3557405
- [Available on 2014/2/1]
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