The Partnership Center Newsletter: Celebrating National Minority Health Month
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services sent this bulletin at 04/23/2013 11:20 AM EDTApril 23, 2013 Edition
In this issue, you will find…
Dear Partners:
As the Department of Health and Human Services continues to move ahead with implementation of the Affordable Care Act, I am constantly reminded of how essential faith-based and neighborhood stakeholders are to improving the health of our communities. From preventing heart attacks and strokes through the 100 Congregations for Million Hearts initiative to educating your congregants and community members about diseases like lupus, faith and non-profit leaders are key messengers of important health information.
Starting in October, Health Insurance Marketplaces will open for enrollment in every state, allowing more Americans to access affordable coverage. Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced up to $54 million in funding to support Navigators in Health Insurance Marketplaces that are run by the federal government or a partnership between the federal and state government. Navigators will provide unbiased information to consumers about health insurance and will help consumers understand their coverage options. Click here for more information about Navigators and see the “Navigator Funding" article in this newsletter to learn more about applying for funding and to join a conference call hosted by CMS for potential applicants.
April is also National Minority Health Month, as Dr. Nadine Gracia explains in our Featured Update. Yet even as the Affordable Care Act stands to help reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities, we can see that there is still much more work to do. For example, African Americans are twice as likely to be infected with hepatitis C – a liver disease caused by a virus – compared to the general U.S. population. Hepatitis C is usually spread when blood from a person infected with the hepatitis C virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. Millions of Americans have chronic viral hepatitis; most of them do not know they are infected.
May 19 has been designated as a national Hepatitis Testing Day in the United States. We hope that you encourage members of your congregations and communities to learn more about Hepatitis C and take the Hepatitis Risk Assessment to determine their risk for viral hepatitis.
Thanks again for all that you do!
Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Acting Director
Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Fifty years ago this year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial about the truths deeply rooted in our country’s creed: freedom, equality, and opportunity. "Now," he declared, "is the time to make real the promises of democracy." Dr. King's words lifted the crowd and electrified the nation – and today, we carry on the work of realizing his dream.
This year, as we commemorate National Minority Health Month, we do so knowing that we face a remarkable moment of opportunity in the journey toward equity in health and health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), the health care law signed by the President three years ago, is one of the most powerful pieces of legislation in our nation’s history for reducing the health disparities long faced by racial and ethnic minorities.
Today, the ACA is transforming health care for Americans all across the country by expanding coverage, lowering costs, promoting prevention, and strengthening access to quality care. In many ways, those who stand to benefit the most are our most vulnerable and underserved communities – including racial and ethnic minorities, who are more likely to be uninsured, less likely to get the preventive services and quality care they need to stay healthy, and more likely to face poorer health outcomes.
Because of the ACA, nearly 20 million minorities now have access to important preventive services, such as diabetes screenings, mammograms, and immunizations, for free. Of the 3.1 million young people who have gained health coverage under their parents' plans, a majority are people of color. And in communities that have long faced disparities in access to care, the Affordable Care Act is investing in community health centers, and placing thousands of doctors and nurses to serve in communities where the need is greatest.
Yet this is just the beginning. Starting this October, when the new Health Insurance Marketplaces open for enrollment, even more Americans – including millions of uninsured minorities – will have the chance to access affordable coverage in every state.
As implementation of the ACA continues, health equity has been elevated to the forefront of our national agenda as never before. Our charge now is to march ahead – to keep the momentum going – to make the most of this remarkable opportunity.
We know that opening new doors to coverage isn’t enough to initiate a transformation, or to ensure that its impact reaches those who need it the most. We need everyone’s help to spread the word – to ensure that tens of millions of eligible Americans know about the benefits that are now available to them, and the options that they will be able to access when the marketplaces open.
This year's theme for Minority Health Month, "Advance Health Equity Now: Uniting Our Communities to Bring Health Care Coverage to All," is a call to action for everyone to participate in that effort. In the face of one of our nation's most pressing and persistent challenges, this is the chance that so many have worked for and dreamed of for so long.
As we look to the road ahead, let us consider all that it took to get to where are today. And as we rise to meet this moment, let us remember how those who came before us stepped up to theirs, and let us work together to honor their dreams.
To learn more about Minority Health Month and the Affordable Care Act, visit and, and join in the conversation @MinorityHealth and @HealthCareGov.
Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health in the Office of Minority Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. The Office of Minority Health develops and coordinates Federal health policy that addresses minority health concerns and ensures that Federal, State and local health programs take into account the needs of disadvantaged, racial and ethnic populations.
Navigators are individuals and entities that will provide unbiased information to consumers about health insurance, the new Health Insurance Marketplace, qualified health plans, and public programs including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Navigator program will help consumers understand new coverage options as they enroll in new Marketplaces. The new funding opportunity provides up to $54 million in total funding. To access the funding opportunity announcement, visit:, and search for CFDA # 93.750.
“Navigators will be an important resource for the millions of Americans who are eligible to enroll in new coverage opportunities through the Marketplace starting in October of 2013,” said CMS Acting Administrator Marilyn Tavenner.
Letters of intent are optional and are due on May 1. Letters of intent should be sent to
Applications are due by June 7, 2013 and grants will be awarded by August 15, 2013. Training will be provided to all grantees through an online curriculum.
On April 3, CMS released a proposed rule outlining standards for Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Marketplaces. To access the proposed rule, visit:
For more information about Navigators, including continuing updates, visit:
For a fact sheet on the Navigators, visit:
For a fact sheet on the different types of consumer assistance, visit:
On April 9, the HHS Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA) hosted a conference call about the Navigators funding announcement. A recording of the call is available until May 8 by dialing 1-800-842-6143.
CMS will also hold a pre-application conference call for potential applicants on Wednesday, April 24. The conference call will provide an overview of this project, budget guidance, review the instructions provided by this FOA and other available materials, and will include an opportunity for potential applicants to ask questions. Additional telephone lines have been added to help meet the large interest in this program.
They provide an opportunity for CMS to share current information about new initiatives and policies related to Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and the new Affordable Care Act benefits, and allow participants to ask questions for further clarification. The ultimate goal of these Open Door Forums is to foster strong collaboration and communication between CMS and a diverse spectrum of stakeholders.
To be notified when Open Door Forums are scheduled or when new information is posted to the website, you can subscribe using the link below labeled “Open Door Forum Mailing List Subscription.”
Webinar Objectives:
Terrie is one of several people who share their stories as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers (Tips). Sharing experiences such as Terrie's is a powerful way to communicate the risks of smoking and the harsh reality of the health problems that can occur.
Beginning with the publication of the first Surgeon General's report nearly 50 years ago, we have learned that smoking causes a wide variety of severe health problems. Cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke result in more than 443,000 deaths a year in this country and are also among the main causes of early disability. For every person who dies from smoking, another 20 suffer from illnesses related to smoking,1 such as COPD (a group of respiratory diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis), and asthma. Smoking can also make other health conditions—such as diabetes—much worse.
Smoking rates have declined since the first Surgeon General's report was released in 1964, but the decline has leveled off in recent years. As Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the Office of Smoking and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, "It has been challenging to make progress in getting people to quit smoking in the last several years." That's why in 2012 CDC launched the Tips From Former Smokers campaign. The Tips campaign focused on people with health problems caused by smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. The effect of the campaign was immediate and intense. Compared with the same 12-week period in 2011, overall call volume to 1-800-QUIT-NOW (which provides free counseling to help smokers quit) more than doubled during the Tips campaign, and visits to the Web site ( increased by more than five times.2
CDC is expanding on the first Tips campaign by airing new ads in 2013. Dr. McAfee said, "We wanted to address additional health conditions and population groups that weren't represented in the first Tips campaign. We're confident that we can get more smokers to quit and more nonsmokers to encourage a loved one to quit for good."
In the new round of television commercials, Terrie is featured again, along with several new participants. Michael is an Alaska Native and member of the Tlingit tribe who has COPD caused by smoking. He was told 5 years ago he would only live 5 more years. Bill, who was diagnosed with diabetes at 6 months of age, now lives with multiple health problems, including loss of one leg, kidney failure, and blindness in one eye, because he smoked. He quit at age 40. Nathan—a member of the Oglala Sioux tribe—never smoked but was exposed to secondhand smoke at his job, which triggered asthma attacks and led to infections and permanent lung damage. He can no longer work at his job because of the smoke there. Tiffany is an African American who was 16 when she lost her mother to lung cancer. Tiffany gave up smoking because she wanted to be around to witness her own daughter's life milestones.
The Tips campaign will run through the early summer and includes TV, radio, print, PSA, billboard, and digital ads.
All of the people featured in the campaign hope their stories will help other smokers quit. As one participant put it, "Make a list. Put the people you love at the top. Put down your eyes, your legs, your kidneys, and your heart. Now cross off all the things you're OK with losing because you'd rather smoke."
For more information about the Tips campaign and resources for quitting smoking, visit For help quitting, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
“One of the most highly effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself is to breastfeed,” said Surgeon General Benjamin. “By raising awareness, the success rate among mothers who want to breastfeed can be greatly improved through active support from their families, their friends and the community.”
Breastfeeding offers mothers and their babies a healthy start. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 80 percent of all women in the United States—regardless of status, race, or income — start out breastfeeding. Among African American women, the breastfeeding rate is almost 55 percent — up from just 35 percent in the 1970s. However, while these rates are improving, breastfeeding rates among African American women remain lower than the rates of other ethnicities in the U.S., particularly among those living in the south.
This gap may indicate that African American mothers face barriers to meeting breastfeeding goals and need additional support to start and continue breastfeeding. It’s Only Natural was specifically designed to provide materials that reflect the experience of African American moms.
It’s Only Natural was developed to equip new moms with practical information and emotional support from peers, as well as tips and education about the benefits of breastfeeding and how to make it work in their own lives. All of the material is uniquely crafted for African American women. Materials include:
GL4T is a four-week session that will be an insightful and engaging program. This program will prepare and provide America’s youth with valuable training and workshops aimed at improving their competitive edge as professionals seeking to join the federal workforce and academia.
Let’s Move Faith and Communities:
We invite you to join Let’s Move Faith and Communities for a special series of on-line training opportunities that will equip health leaders to run the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) We Can! program in their communities. We Can! is a science-based national education program that provides parents, caregivers and communities with tools and strategies to help families improve food choices, increase physical activity and reduce screen time.
We Can! offers two core curricula:
The following "Energize Our Families: Parent Program" webinar is geared toward faith community nurses and is being co-hosted by Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries:
Webinars on "Media Smart Youth®: Eat, Think and Be Active!"In addition, earlier this month, First Lady Michelle Obama recognized two winning videos of the Let's Move! Communities on the Move Video Challenge for their terrific work to make their communities healthier. Watch the winning videos and check out Communities on the Move to see what other faith-based and neighborhood organizations are doing across the country to improve the health of their communities!
The 30 day public comment period began April 1, 2013 and ends Wednesday May 1, 2013. The notice requests information on ways to increase walking and community walkability on the following topics:
(1) Barriers to walking for youth; adults; seniors; persons with developmental, injury, and chronic disease-related disabilities; racial and ethnic minorities; and low-income individuals.
(2) Evidence-based strategies for overcoming those barriers and their reach and impact to increase physical activity at the population level and among the above mentioned subpopulations.
CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) focuses on improving our communities to support healthy eating and active living.
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide partial support for specific non-Federal conferences focusing on HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and/or Tuberculosis in the following areas: (1) Health promotion and disease prevention information and education; (2) Applied research; (3) Incidence and prevalence trends; (3) Surveillance; (4) Prevention and intervention strategies; (5) Screening and treatment; (6) Linkages to care; (7) Program integration; (8) Health equity; (9) Sexual health; and (10) Prevention through health care.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Urban Indian health organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: April 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: OJJDP FY 2013 Multi-State Mentoring Initiative
Description: This solicitation will support qualified, established mentoring programs as they (1) expand services for underserved at-risk and high-risk youth and (2) enhance their services to implement additional research- and evidence-based mentoring practices. We anticipate that this program will be authorized by an act appropriating FY 2013 funds for the Department of Justice.
Eligibility: Nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply, including faith-based, community-based, and tribal organizations.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: April 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Washington, District of Columbia
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Washington, DC.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - City of Baltimore, Maryland
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in the City of Baltimore, MD.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - City of Detroit within Wayne County, Michigan
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in the City of Detroit within Wayne County, MI.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Sunflower County, Mississippi
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Sunflower County, MS.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Jersey City within Hudson County, New Jersey
Description: the Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Jersey City within Hudson County, NJ.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Protecting Transgender Persons from Violence and Combating Impunity
Description: DRL seeks to support programs that increase protection of transgender persons who face acute forms of violence and harassment. DRL’s overall goal is to ensure that incidents of violence are documented and investigated and that victims receive appropriate legal redress through domestic, regional, or international human rights mechanisms.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Title: Training to Work – Adult Reentry
Description: The purpose of this grant program is to foster pre-release services and the attainment of industry-recognized credentials to improve the long-term workforce outcomes for previously incarcerated individuals. The focus of this grant program is to help participants attain industry-recognized credentials for jobs in demand industries in their area prior to release or within 90 days after release from state or local work release program.
Eligibility: Any non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) status may apply for these grants to provide services to eligible participants (as defined in Section III.C.3.) in areas with high-poverty and high-crime rates.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Employment and Training Administration
Title: Face Forward Serving Juvenile Offenders Grants
Description: The purpose of these grants is to improve the long-term labor market prospects of both court involved youth prior to adjudication and juvenile offenders. Grantees must utilize a strategy where they collaborate with non-profit legal services providers to assist participants with expungement actions, and/or be designated by the juvenile justice system as a diversion program.
Eligibility: Any non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: Employment and Training Administration
Title: Comprehensive Support Services for Families Affected by Substance Abuse and/or HIV/AIDS
Description: These grants will be awarded to eligible applicants for activities and services that are designed to increase well-being, improve permanency, and enhance the safety of infants and young children who have been exposed to a dangerous drug or have been exposed to HIV/AIDS and/or at risk of being placed in out-of-home care as a result of the parent(s)’ substance abuse or HIV status.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Faith-based organizations, community organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 13, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Improving HIV Prevention and Treatment Outcomes Among HIV-Infected Persons by Integrating Community Pharmacists and Clinical Sites into a Model of Patient-centered HIV Care
Description: The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to develop and implement a model of HIV care that integrates community pharmacists with primary medical providers for patient-centered HIV care.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Urban Indian health organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 15, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: Research and Evaluation on Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals
Description: The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks applications for funding of research and evaluation related to abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals and residents of residential care facilities. Research proposed may be focused at the State, local, tribal, Federal, or juvenile criminal justice policy, and practice levels.
Eligibility: In general, NIJ is authorized to make grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, States (including territories), units of local government (including federally recognized Indian tribal governments as determined by the Secretary of the Interior), nonprofit and for-profit organizations (including tribal nonprofit and profit organizations), institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education), and certain qualified individuals. For-profit organizations must agree to forgo any profit or management fee. Foreign governments, foreign organizations, and foreign institutions of higher education are not eligible to apply.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: May 20, 2013
Grant is administered by the: U.S. Department of Justice
Title: OJJDP FY 2013 National Girls Institute
Description: Through this program, OJJDP seeks to support its National Girls Institute (NGI) to advance the understanding and application of promising and evidence-based prevention, intervention, treatment, and aftercare programs and services for at-risk and juvenile justice- involved girls. NGI accomplishes its mission through a broad range of activities, including training and technical assistance (TTA); information dissemination; collaboration with researchers and program developers; partnership with federal, state, and local agencies; policy development; and other leadership functions
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Title: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities
Description: The purpose of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program is to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical assistance, supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 3, 2013
Grant administered by the: Department of Education
Title: Promoting, Strengthening and Enhancing Disease Prevention by Collaboration with Targeted Stakeholders
Description: Working through targeted stakeholders, including WIC staff, coalitions, stakeholders and parents, the awardee will increase accurate information on social media and will educate WIC staff about vaccine recommendation and best practices. These activities will in the long term reduce barriers and lead to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from vaccine preventable diseases.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education)
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 5, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: PPHF 2013 Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Exchanges
Description: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has been developed to enable recipients to operate as Exchange Navigators in States with a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE), as authorized under Section 1311(i) of the Affordable Care Act.
Eligibility: This cooperative agreement funding opportunity is open to self-employed individuals and private and public entities. The regulation implementing Affordable Care Act Section 1311(i), 45 C.F.R. § 155.210, requires that at least two types of entities serve as Navigators in each Exchange, and that at least one Navigator be a community and consumer- focused nonprofit. We also note that during their term as Navigators, individuals and entities are not permitted to receive any direct or indirect consideration fro m a health insurance issuer connected to the enrollment of individuals into QHPs or non-QHPs.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: June 7, 2013
Grant is administered by the: Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
Title: Refugee Microenterprise Development Projects
Description: The broad goals of the Refugee Microenterprise Development Project are to: 1. Assist refugees in becoming economically self-sufficient by owning and managing a small business, 2. Provide seed money to refugee serving organizations to start and develop microenterprise program that will serve refugees at sustained and expanded levels, and 3. Help mainstream organizations develop the experience of serving refugee populations. In order to achieve these objectives, award recipients under this announcement will provide pre-business and post-business technical assistance as well as capital to refugee entrepreneurs.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants for refugee programs under 412(c)(1)(A) are "public and private nonprofit agencies." Faith-based and community organizations that meet eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series
Description: The purpose of this grant opportunity is to bring together academic institutions/organizations and community organizations to identify opportunities for addressing health disparities through the use of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). The objectives of meetings conducted as part of this award will be to: (1) establish and/or enhance academic-community partnerships; (2) identify community-driven research priorities, and (3) develop long-term collaborative CBPR research agendas.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations with or without 501(c)(3) status are encouraged to apply. The opportunity is also available to various governmental entities, local organizations, for-profit groups and small businesses.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: October 17, 2014
You are subscribed to The Partnership Center Newsletter for U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services. Learn more about The Partnership Center.
In this issue, you will find…
- Letter from Partnership Center Acting Director, Acacia Bamberg Salatti
- Featured Update: Celebrating National Minority Health Month
- Navigator Funding and Proposed Rule Released
- Office of Minority Health Providing Foundations of Grant Writing Webinar
- CDC Continues Tips From Former Smokers Campaign
- HHS Offers Moms Knowledge, Help and Support through a New Breastfeeding Initiative, It’s Only Natural
- Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Future! Government Leaders for Tomorrow Summer Program
- National Lupus Awareness Weekend for Faith-Based Organizations
- New and Updated ACA Web Pages from HRSA and the HHS Partnership Center
- Advisory Committee on Minority Health Soliciting Nominations for Appointments
- FY 14 Administration Budget Released
- Let’s Move Faith and Communities: Upcoming We Can! Webinars
- Federal Register Notice Now Open: Comment on an Anticipated Surgeon General’s Call to Action on Walking
- Upcoming Events
- Grant Opportunities
Dear Partners:
As the Department of Health and Human Services continues to move ahead with implementation of the Affordable Care Act, I am constantly reminded of how essential faith-based and neighborhood stakeholders are to improving the health of our communities. From preventing heart attacks and strokes through the 100 Congregations for Million Hearts initiative to educating your congregants and community members about diseases like lupus, faith and non-profit leaders are key messengers of important health information.
Starting in October, Health Insurance Marketplaces will open for enrollment in every state, allowing more Americans to access affordable coverage. Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced up to $54 million in funding to support Navigators in Health Insurance Marketplaces that are run by the federal government or a partnership between the federal and state government. Navigators will provide unbiased information to consumers about health insurance and will help consumers understand their coverage options. Click here for more information about Navigators and see the “Navigator Funding" article in this newsletter to learn more about applying for funding and to join a conference call hosted by CMS for potential applicants.
April is also National Minority Health Month, as Dr. Nadine Gracia explains in our Featured Update. Yet even as the Affordable Care Act stands to help reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities, we can see that there is still much more work to do. For example, African Americans are twice as likely to be infected with hepatitis C – a liver disease caused by a virus – compared to the general U.S. population. Hepatitis C is usually spread when blood from a person infected with the hepatitis C virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. Millions of Americans have chronic viral hepatitis; most of them do not know they are infected.
May 19 has been designated as a national Hepatitis Testing Day in the United States. We hope that you encourage members of your congregations and communities to learn more about Hepatitis C and take the Hepatitis Risk Assessment to determine their risk for viral hepatitis.
Thanks again for all that you do!
Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Acting Director
Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Featured Update:
Celebrating National Minority Health Month
By Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCEFifty years ago this year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial about the truths deeply rooted in our country’s creed: freedom, equality, and opportunity. "Now," he declared, "is the time to make real the promises of democracy." Dr. King's words lifted the crowd and electrified the nation – and today, we carry on the work of realizing his dream.
This year, as we commemorate National Minority Health Month, we do so knowing that we face a remarkable moment of opportunity in the journey toward equity in health and health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), the health care law signed by the President three years ago, is one of the most powerful pieces of legislation in our nation’s history for reducing the health disparities long faced by racial and ethnic minorities.
Today, the ACA is transforming health care for Americans all across the country by expanding coverage, lowering costs, promoting prevention, and strengthening access to quality care. In many ways, those who stand to benefit the most are our most vulnerable and underserved communities – including racial and ethnic minorities, who are more likely to be uninsured, less likely to get the preventive services and quality care they need to stay healthy, and more likely to face poorer health outcomes.
Because of the ACA, nearly 20 million minorities now have access to important preventive services, such as diabetes screenings, mammograms, and immunizations, for free. Of the 3.1 million young people who have gained health coverage under their parents' plans, a majority are people of color. And in communities that have long faced disparities in access to care, the Affordable Care Act is investing in community health centers, and placing thousands of doctors and nurses to serve in communities where the need is greatest.
Yet this is just the beginning. Starting this October, when the new Health Insurance Marketplaces open for enrollment, even more Americans – including millions of uninsured minorities – will have the chance to access affordable coverage in every state.
As implementation of the ACA continues, health equity has been elevated to the forefront of our national agenda as never before. Our charge now is to march ahead – to keep the momentum going – to make the most of this remarkable opportunity.
We know that opening new doors to coverage isn’t enough to initiate a transformation, or to ensure that its impact reaches those who need it the most. We need everyone’s help to spread the word – to ensure that tens of millions of eligible Americans know about the benefits that are now available to them, and the options that they will be able to access when the marketplaces open.
This year's theme for Minority Health Month, "Advance Health Equity Now: Uniting Our Communities to Bring Health Care Coverage to All," is a call to action for everyone to participate in that effort. In the face of one of our nation's most pressing and persistent challenges, this is the chance that so many have worked for and dreamed of for so long.
As we look to the road ahead, let us consider all that it took to get to where are today. And as we rise to meet this moment, let us remember how those who came before us stepped up to theirs, and let us work together to honor their dreams.
To learn more about Minority Health Month and the Affordable Care Act, visit and, and join in the conversation @MinorityHealth and @HealthCareGov.
Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health in the Office of Minority Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. The Office of Minority Health develops and coordinates Federal health policy that addresses minority health concerns and ensures that Federal, State and local health programs take into account the needs of disadvantaged, racial and ethnic populations.
Navigator Funding and Proposed Rule Released
On April 9, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the availability of new funding to support Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Marketplaces. All states will have Marketplaces, also known as Exchanges, and they will either be run by the federal government (a Federally-facilitated Marketplace or FFM), a partnership between the federal and state government (State Partnership Marketplaces) or be run by the state alone (State Marketplaces). Navigator funding is only available in states that are running Federally-facilitated Marketplaces or Partnership Marketplaces. State Marketplaces will fund their own programs. The following website includes a list of State Marketplaces and State Partnership Marketplaces.: are individuals and entities that will provide unbiased information to consumers about health insurance, the new Health Insurance Marketplace, qualified health plans, and public programs including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Navigator program will help consumers understand new coverage options as they enroll in new Marketplaces. The new funding opportunity provides up to $54 million in total funding. To access the funding opportunity announcement, visit:, and search for CFDA # 93.750.
“Navigators will be an important resource for the millions of Americans who are eligible to enroll in new coverage opportunities through the Marketplace starting in October of 2013,” said CMS Acting Administrator Marilyn Tavenner.
Letters of intent are optional and are due on May 1. Letters of intent should be sent to
Applications are due by June 7, 2013 and grants will be awarded by August 15, 2013. Training will be provided to all grantees through an online curriculum.
On April 3, CMS released a proposed rule outlining standards for Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Marketplaces. To access the proposed rule, visit:
For more information about Navigators, including continuing updates, visit:
For a fact sheet on the Navigators, visit:
For a fact sheet on the different types of consumer assistance, visit:
On April 9, the HHS Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA) hosted a conference call about the Navigators funding announcement. A recording of the call is available until May 8 by dialing 1-800-842-6143.
CMS will also hold a pre-application conference call for potential applicants on Wednesday, April 24. The conference call will provide an overview of this project, budget guidance, review the instructions provided by this FOA and other available materials, and will include an opportunity for potential applicants to ask questions. Additional telephone lines have been added to help meet the large interest in this program.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. ET
Toll-free teleconference phone number: 877-267-1577; ID: 8100
New Open Door Forum Created on the Health Insurance Marketplace
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sponsors regularly scheduled “Open Door Forums" providing an opportunity for live dialogue between CMS and the stakeholder community at large. These forums are intended for all stakeholders who interact with CMS or work with consumers who rely on services that CMS provides.They provide an opportunity for CMS to share current information about new initiatives and policies related to Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and the new Affordable Care Act benefits, and allow participants to ask questions for further clarification. The ultimate goal of these Open Door Forums is to foster strong collaboration and communication between CMS and a diverse spectrum of stakeholders.
To be notified when Open Door Forums are scheduled or when new information is posted to the website, you can subscribe using the link below labeled “Open Door Forum Mailing List Subscription.”
Office of Minority Health Providing Foundations of Grant Writing Webinar
Join The Office of Minority Health Resource Center (OMHRC) on April 25 for the Capacity Building Webinar, Technical Assistance: Foundations of Grant Writing. Organizations will learn how to write a strong federal grant proposal during this webinar, led by Michelle Loosli, Director, and Margaret Korto, Capacity Building Senior Program Analyst, of the Office of Minority Health Resource Center.Webinar Objectives:
- Identify key steps to apply for federal grants
- Review the critical elements of proposals
- Provide guidance for internal evaluations of proposals
Title: Technical Assistance: Foundations of Grant Writing
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
CDC Continues Tips From Former Smokers Campaign
In high school, Terrie was a cheerleader who competed on the North Carolina cheer circuit. Because a lot of her friends smoked, Terrie soon found herself lighting up in social settings. Eventually, she was smoking up to two packs of cigarettes a day. In 2001, at 40, Terrie was diagnosed with oral cancer and with throat cancer. When doctors told her that they would need to remove her larynx, she finally quit smoking for good. Today, Terrie speaks with the aid of an artificial voice box inserted in her throat. She continues to battle cancer, even now.Terrie is one of several people who share their stories as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers (Tips). Sharing experiences such as Terrie's is a powerful way to communicate the risks of smoking and the harsh reality of the health problems that can occur.
Beginning with the publication of the first Surgeon General's report nearly 50 years ago, we have learned that smoking causes a wide variety of severe health problems. Cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke result in more than 443,000 deaths a year in this country and are also among the main causes of early disability. For every person who dies from smoking, another 20 suffer from illnesses related to smoking,1 such as COPD (a group of respiratory diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis), and asthma. Smoking can also make other health conditions—such as diabetes—much worse.
Smoking rates have declined since the first Surgeon General's report was released in 1964, but the decline has leveled off in recent years. As Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the Office of Smoking and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, "It has been challenging to make progress in getting people to quit smoking in the last several years." That's why in 2012 CDC launched the Tips From Former Smokers campaign. The Tips campaign focused on people with health problems caused by smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. The effect of the campaign was immediate and intense. Compared with the same 12-week period in 2011, overall call volume to 1-800-QUIT-NOW (which provides free counseling to help smokers quit) more than doubled during the Tips campaign, and visits to the Web site ( increased by more than five times.2
CDC is expanding on the first Tips campaign by airing new ads in 2013. Dr. McAfee said, "We wanted to address additional health conditions and population groups that weren't represented in the first Tips campaign. We're confident that we can get more smokers to quit and more nonsmokers to encourage a loved one to quit for good."
In the new round of television commercials, Terrie is featured again, along with several new participants. Michael is an Alaska Native and member of the Tlingit tribe who has COPD caused by smoking. He was told 5 years ago he would only live 5 more years. Bill, who was diagnosed with diabetes at 6 months of age, now lives with multiple health problems, including loss of one leg, kidney failure, and blindness in one eye, because he smoked. He quit at age 40. Nathan—a member of the Oglala Sioux tribe—never smoked but was exposed to secondhand smoke at his job, which triggered asthma attacks and led to infections and permanent lung damage. He can no longer work at his job because of the smoke there. Tiffany is an African American who was 16 when she lost her mother to lung cancer. Tiffany gave up smoking because she wanted to be around to witness her own daughter's life milestones.
The Tips campaign will run through the early summer and includes TV, radio, print, PSA, billboard, and digital ads.
All of the people featured in the campaign hope their stories will help other smokers quit. As one participant put it, "Make a list. Put the people you love at the top. Put down your eyes, your legs, your kidneys, and your heart. Now cross off all the things you're OK with losing because you'd rather smoke."
For more information about the Tips campaign and resources for quitting smoking, visit For help quitting, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking—Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses—United States, 2000–2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2008;57(45):1226–8 [accessed 2013 Feb 28].
- The 1-800-QUIT-NOW quitline received 365,194 calls during the Tips campaign, up 132% from the 157,675 calls it received during the same 12-week period in 2011. The Web site received 629,898 unique visitors during the campaign, up 428% from the 119,327 unique visitors it received during the same period in 2011.
HHS Offers Moms Knowledge, Help and Support through a New Breastfeeding Initiative, It’s Only Natural
Last week, Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA announced the launch of It’s Only Natural, a new public education campaign that aims to raise awareness among African American women of the importance of and benefits associated with breastfeeding and provide helpful tips.“One of the most highly effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself is to breastfeed,” said Surgeon General Benjamin. “By raising awareness, the success rate among mothers who want to breastfeed can be greatly improved through active support from their families, their friends and the community.”
Breastfeeding offers mothers and their babies a healthy start. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 80 percent of all women in the United States—regardless of status, race, or income — start out breastfeeding. Among African American women, the breastfeeding rate is almost 55 percent — up from just 35 percent in the 1970s. However, while these rates are improving, breastfeeding rates among African American women remain lower than the rates of other ethnicities in the U.S., particularly among those living in the south.
This gap may indicate that African American mothers face barriers to meeting breastfeeding goals and need additional support to start and continue breastfeeding. It’s Only Natural was specifically designed to provide materials that reflect the experience of African American moms.
It’s Only Natural was developed to equip new moms with practical information and emotional support from peers, as well as tips and education about the benefits of breastfeeding and how to make it work in their own lives. All of the material is uniquely crafted for African American women. Materials include:
- video testimonials from new moms talking about the challenges they have overcome, providing breastfeeding tips, sharing their individual stories, and much more;
- articles on a variety of topics ranging from laws supporting breastfeeding to how to fit breastfeeding into your daily life;
- two fact sheets, which contain proper holding and latching techniques, as well as information on managing discomfort and how much milk is enough; and
- radio public service announcements.
Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Future! Government Leaders for Tomorrow (GL4T) Summer Program being offered for youth in the community
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in partnership with the Youth Jobs Plus Communities, is sponsoring the Government Leaders for Tomorrow (GL4T) program.GL4T is a four-week session that will be an insightful and engaging program. This program will prepare and provide America’s youth with valuable training and workshops aimed at improving their competitive edge as professionals seeking to join the federal workforce and academia.
Dates: July 9 – August 2, 2013
Times: 9am – 1pm
Location: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Building; 200 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20201
HHS would like to partner with your organization to identify potential youth that would benefit from participating in this exciting program.Requirements:
- Must be between the ages of 16-24 years of age (Parental/guardian consent required- ages 16-18)
- Is able to travel to training sites in the metro-DC area on a daily/weekly basis (via Metrorail, Metrobus, or other mode of transportation)
- Can fully commit to the GL4T four-week program (July 9, 2013 through August 2, 2013)
For more information, please contact Denise Joseph at
On behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Youth Jobs Plus Communities, we look forward to partnering with your organization in this exciting endeavor.National Lupus Awareness Weekend for Faith-Based Organizations
May 18-19, 2013 is National Lupus Awareness Weekend for Faith-Based Organizations. More than 1.5 million American have lupus and 90 percent of people with lupus are women. A recent survey showed that nearly three-fourths of Americans between 18 and 34 – the age group at the highest risk for lupus – have never heard of lupus or know little or nothing about the disease beyond the name. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own tissue. Join the HHS Office on Women’s Health and the Lupus Foundation of America in sharing information about lupus with your congregations, families, and all people who attend your services. For additional resources, go to or call 1-800-558-0121.New and Updated ACA Web Pages from HRSA and the HHS Partnership Center
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the HHS Partnership Center have new and updated web pages on the Affordable Care Act. To view the HRSA web page, visit: The HHS Partnership Center recently updated their Affordable Care Act web pages with links to new educational materials, Frequently Asked Questions and websites for more information about the health care law. To view the HHS Partnership Center website, visit: Committee on Minority Health Soliciting Nominations for Appointments
The Department of Health and Human Service (HHS), Office of Minority Health (OMH), is seeking nominations of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment as a member of the Advisory Committee on Minority Health. The Committee provides advice to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health on improving the health of each racial and ethnic minority group and on the development of goals and specific program activities of OMH designed to improve the health status and outcomes of racial and ethnic minorities. Nominations of qualified candidates are being sought to fill upcoming vacancies on the Committee.DATES: Nominations for membership on the Committee must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern on May 31, 2013. If you have questions, feel free to call (240) 453–2882.
ADDRESSES: All nominations should be mailed to:
Ms. Monica Baltimore
Executive Director, Advisory Committee on Minority Health
Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 600
Rockville, MD 20852
FY 14 Administration Budget Released
On April 10, President Obama released his fiscal year 2014 (FY 14) budget. Congress will review the budget and create their own budget for FY 14, which begins on October 1, 2013. To view the HHS Budget, visit: To view a briefing on the HHS Budget, visit:’s Move Faith and Communities:
Upcoming We Can! webinars
We invite you to join Let’s Move Faith and Communities for a special series of on-line training opportunities that will equip health leaders to run the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) We Can! program in their communities. We Can! is a science-based national education program that provides parents, caregivers and communities with tools and strategies to help families improve food choices, increase physical activity and reduce screen time.We Can! offers two core curricula:
- The Energize Our Families: Parent Program is a multiple-session curriculum designed to provide parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need, along with practical tools, to help families maintain a healthy weight. Specific topics include shopping for healthy food on a budget, controlling portion sizes, increasing physical activity in youth and reducing family screen time.
- Media Smart Youth®: Eat, Think and Be Active! is an after-school program designed to help young people ages 11 to 13 understand the connections between media and health and to help youth build media analysis and production skills. The program uses nutrition and physical activity examples to help youth think critically about how media influences the choices they make.
Webinars on "Energize Our Families: Parent Program"
The following "Energize Our Families: Parent Program" webinar is geared toward faith community nurses and is being co-hosted by Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries:
Webinars on "Media Smart Youth®: Eat, Think and Be Active!"
Federal Register Notice Now Open: Comment on an Anticipated Surgeon General’s Call to Action on Walking
On April 1, to address the public health problem of physical inactivity, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the opening of a docket to obtain information from the public on walking as an effective way to be sufficiently active for health. The information obtained will be used to frame an anticipated Surgeon General’s call to action on this issue.The 30 day public comment period began April 1, 2013 and ends Wednesday May 1, 2013. The notice requests information on ways to increase walking and community walkability on the following topics:
(1) Barriers to walking for youth; adults; seniors; persons with developmental, injury, and chronic disease-related disabilities; racial and ethnic minorities; and low-income individuals.
(2) Evidence-based strategies for overcoming those barriers and their reach and impact to increase physical activity at the population level and among the above mentioned subpopulations.
To provide input, go to
In the search box, type the Docket No. CDC-2013-0003
Please consider providing input and sharing this announcement with other stakeholders who may also be interested. For more information, email’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) focuses on improving our communities to support healthy eating and active living.
Upcoming EventsInteractive Webinars on the Health Care LawThe HHS Partnership Center continues to host a series of webinars for faith and community leaders. All webinars are open to the public and include a question and answer session where you can ask HHS staff any questions you may have. We also encourage you to submit questions you would like to have answered on the webinars to participate in one of the webinars, please select your preferred topic from the list below and submit the necessary information. Please click on the title of the webinar and fill out the registration form. After registering you will receive an e-mail confirmation containing information about joining the webinar. Please contact us at if you have problems registering or if you have any questions about the health care law. National Webinars April 29, 2:00 p.m. ET – The Health Care Law and Health Disparities May 2, 1:00 p.m. ET – Tour of May 16, 12:00 p.m. ET – Make the Call, Don’t Miss a Beat! May 16, 1:00 p.m. ET – Haga La Llamada, ¡No Pierda Tiempo! May 21, 3:00 p.m. ET – The Health Care Law 101 (in Spanish) May 23, 2:00 p.m. ET – The Health Care Law 101 |
Grant Opportunities
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Grants Forecast is a database of planned grant opportunities proposed by its agencies. Each Forecast record contains actual or estimated dates and funding levels for grants that the agency intends to award during the fiscal year. Forecast opportunities are subject to change based on enactment of congressional appropriations.
When funding is available and an agency is ready to accept applications, the agency will issue an official notice, known as a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will be available on how to apply.
As always, the final section of our newsletter includes an updated grants listing that faith-based and community non-profits can pursue. All of these grant programs are competitive. It is important to review the funding announcement thoroughly to ensure that the grant opportunity is one that is appropriate to your organization’s mission, size, and scope.When funding is available and an agency is ready to accept applications, the agency will issue an official notice, known as a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will be available on how to apply.
Grants Listings
Title: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis Prevention, Public Health Conference SupportDescription: The purpose of this program is to provide partial support for specific non-Federal conferences focusing on HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and/or Tuberculosis in the following areas: (1) Health promotion and disease prevention information and education; (2) Applied research; (3) Incidence and prevalence trends; (3) Surveillance; (4) Prevention and intervention strategies; (5) Screening and treatment; (6) Linkages to care; (7) Program integration; (8) Health equity; (9) Sexual health; and (10) Prevention through health care.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Urban Indian health organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: April 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: OJJDP FY 2013 Multi-State Mentoring Initiative
Description: This solicitation will support qualified, established mentoring programs as they (1) expand services for underserved at-risk and high-risk youth and (2) enhance their services to implement additional research- and evidence-based mentoring practices. We anticipate that this program will be authorized by an act appropriating FY 2013 funds for the Department of Justice.
Eligibility: Nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply, including faith-based, community-based, and tribal organizations.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: April 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Washington, District of Columbia
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Washington, DC.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - City of Baltimore, Maryland
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in the City of Baltimore, MD.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - City of Detroit within Wayne County, Michigan
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in the City of Detroit within Wayne County, MI.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Sunflower County, Mississippi
Description: The Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide for Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Sunflower County, MS.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee - Jersey City within Hudson County, New Jersey
Description: the Administration for Children and Families solicits applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit organizations that seek to provide a high-quality, comprehensive birth-to-five program incorporating both Head Start and Early Head Start funding, or to provide Head Start only or Early Head Start only, to children and families residing in Jersey City within Hudson County, NJ.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the statutory requirement for designation as a Head Start and/or Early Head Start agency as defined in the Head Start Act.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Protecting Transgender Persons from Violence and Combating Impunity
Description: DRL seeks to support programs that increase protection of transgender persons who face acute forms of violence and harassment. DRL’s overall goal is to ensure that incidents of violence are documented and investigated and that victims receive appropriate legal redress through domestic, regional, or international human rights mechanisms.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Title: Training to Work – Adult Reentry
Description: The purpose of this grant program is to foster pre-release services and the attainment of industry-recognized credentials to improve the long-term workforce outcomes for previously incarcerated individuals. The focus of this grant program is to help participants attain industry-recognized credentials for jobs in demand industries in their area prior to release or within 90 days after release from state or local work release program.
Eligibility: Any non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) status may apply for these grants to provide services to eligible participants (as defined in Section III.C.3.) in areas with high-poverty and high-crime rates.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Employment and Training Administration
Title: Face Forward Serving Juvenile Offenders Grants
Description: The purpose of these grants is to improve the long-term labor market prospects of both court involved youth prior to adjudication and juvenile offenders. Grantees must utilize a strategy where they collaborate with non-profit legal services providers to assist participants with expungement actions, and/or be designated by the juvenile justice system as a diversion program.
Eligibility: Any non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: Employment and Training Administration
Title: Comprehensive Support Services for Families Affected by Substance Abuse and/or HIV/AIDS
Description: These grants will be awarded to eligible applicants for activities and services that are designed to increase well-being, improve permanency, and enhance the safety of infants and young children who have been exposed to a dangerous drug or have been exposed to HIV/AIDS and/or at risk of being placed in out-of-home care as a result of the parent(s)’ substance abuse or HIV status.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Faith-based organizations, community organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 13, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Improving HIV Prevention and Treatment Outcomes Among HIV-Infected Persons by Integrating Community Pharmacists and Clinical Sites into a Model of Patient-centered HIV Care
Description: The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to develop and implement a model of HIV care that integrates community pharmacists with primary medical providers for patient-centered HIV care.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Urban Indian health organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 15, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: Research and Evaluation on Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals
Description: The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks applications for funding of research and evaluation related to abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals and residents of residential care facilities. Research proposed may be focused at the State, local, tribal, Federal, or juvenile criminal justice policy, and practice levels.
Eligibility: In general, NIJ is authorized to make grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, States (including territories), units of local government (including federally recognized Indian tribal governments as determined by the Secretary of the Interior), nonprofit and for-profit organizations (including tribal nonprofit and profit organizations), institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education), and certain qualified individuals. For-profit organizations must agree to forgo any profit or management fee. Foreign governments, foreign organizations, and foreign institutions of higher education are not eligible to apply.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: May 20, 2013
Grant is administered by the: U.S. Department of Justice
Title: OJJDP FY 2013 National Girls Institute
Description: Through this program, OJJDP seeks to support its National Girls Institute (NGI) to advance the understanding and application of promising and evidence-based prevention, intervention, treatment, and aftercare programs and services for at-risk and juvenile justice- involved girls. NGI accomplishes its mission through a broad range of activities, including training and technical assistance (TTA); information dissemination; collaboration with researchers and program developers; partnership with federal, state, and local agencies; policy development; and other leadership functions
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Title: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities
Description: The purpose of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program is to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical assistance, supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 3, 2013
Grant administered by the: Department of Education
Title: Promoting, Strengthening and Enhancing Disease Prevention by Collaboration with Targeted Stakeholders
Description: Working through targeted stakeholders, including WIC staff, coalitions, stakeholders and parents, the awardee will increase accurate information on social media and will educate WIC staff about vaccine recommendation and best practices. These activities will in the long term reduce barriers and lead to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from vaccine preventable diseases.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education)
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 5, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: PPHF 2013 Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Exchanges
Description: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has been developed to enable recipients to operate as Exchange Navigators in States with a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE), as authorized under Section 1311(i) of the Affordable Care Act.
Eligibility: This cooperative agreement funding opportunity is open to self-employed individuals and private and public entities. The regulation implementing Affordable Care Act Section 1311(i), 45 C.F.R. § 155.210, requires that at least two types of entities serve as Navigators in each Exchange, and that at least one Navigator be a community and consumer- focused nonprofit. We also note that during their term as Navigators, individuals and entities are not permitted to receive any direct or indirect consideration fro m a health insurance issuer connected to the enrollment of individuals into QHPs or non-QHPs.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: June 7, 2013
Grant is administered by the: Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
Title: Refugee Microenterprise Development Projects
Description: The broad goals of the Refugee Microenterprise Development Project are to: 1. Assist refugees in becoming economically self-sufficient by owning and managing a small business, 2. Provide seed money to refugee serving organizations to start and develop microenterprise program that will serve refugees at sustained and expanded levels, and 3. Help mainstream organizations develop the experience of serving refugee populations. In order to achieve these objectives, award recipients under this announcement will provide pre-business and post-business technical assistance as well as capital to refugee entrepreneurs.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants for refugee programs under 412(c)(1)(A) are "public and private nonprofit agencies." Faith-based and community organizations that meet eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series
Description: The purpose of this grant opportunity is to bring together academic institutions/organizations and community organizations to identify opportunities for addressing health disparities through the use of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). The objectives of meetings conducted as part of this award will be to: (1) establish and/or enhance academic-community partnerships; (2) identify community-driven research priorities, and (3) develop long-term collaborative CBPR research agendas.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations with or without 501(c)(3) status are encouraged to apply. The opportunity is also available to various governmental entities, local organizations, for-profit groups and small businesses.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: October 17, 2014
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