The Partnership Center Newsletter: Secretary Sebelius - "One Simple Change"
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May 22, 2013 EditionIn this issue, you will find…
- Letter from Partnership Center Acting Director, Acacia Bamberg Salatti
- Featured Update: Secretary Kathleen Sebelius – One Simple Change
- Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships for Public Health: Q&A with Acacia Salatti
- Health Centers to Help Uninsured Individuals Gain Affordable Health Insurance Coverage
- Reminder: Navigators Program Funding Announced, Applications Due June 7
- Enroll America Replay of Navigator Webinar
- Health Insurance Marketplace Application Simplified and Shortened
- Heart Attack Prevention focus of Women’s Health Week
- CCDF Proposed Regulations Webinar for Faith-based and Community Stakeholders
- Hunger Is a Health Issue, and One Health System’s Approach to Addressing It
- National Nurses Week: Faith Community Nurses Healing Hearts, Minds and Spirits
- Spotlight on Staff: Heidi Christensen
- Presidential Proclamation: National Day of Prayer, 2013
- Apply to be a Community Economic Development Application Reviewer Today!
- Let’s Move Faith and Communities: Upcoming We Can! webinars
- Upcoming Events
- Grant Opportunities
Dear Partners:
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. In our Featured Update, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius highlights the importance of community conversations in raising awareness about mental health and helping Americans with mental health conditions get the care they need. The Affordable Care Act has already ensured that new health plans cover recommended preventive benefits without cost sharing, including depression screening for adults and adolescents and behavioral assessments for children. And beginning in 2014, the health care law will provide access to quality health care that includes coverage for mental health and substance use disorder services. Health Insurance Marketplaces will open for enrollment in every state this coming October, allowing more Americans to access affordable coverage.Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation about the HHS Partnership Center’s role in helping faith and community stakeholders across the country improve the health of your communities. Among the topics I discussed were our series of interactive webinars on the Affordable Care Act and our work on the Million Hearts initiative to reduce cardiovascular disease. I encourage you to read the conversation and learn more about how our Center can support your congregation or organization’s prevention efforts.
In addition, we want to make sure you know about a webinar this Thursday, May 23 with Office of Child Care Director Shannon Rudisill about proposed regulatory changes to the Child Care Development Fund. The proposed regulation will better ensure children’s health and safety in child care and promote school readiness. On the webinar, you can learn more about the proposed regulation and how you can provide input to the Administration on these changes.
Finally, last week the Partnership Center co-hosted a webinar on National Hepatitis Testing Day with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. May is Hepatitis Awareness Month and May 19 was recognized as Hepatitis Testing Day. More than 4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis B or C, and up to 75 percent don’t know they are infected. Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplants. Because of the Affordable Care Act, many adults with private health insurance plans may get vaccinations for hepatitis and pregnant women may get hepatitis screening at their first prenatal visit with no out-of-pocket cost. Please check here for more details.
Thank you as always for all that you do to improve your community’s health.
Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Acting Director
Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Featured Update:
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: One Simple Change
Here’s a number that should give every American pause: 60 percent. That’s the share of Americans with mental health conditions who don’t receive the help they need. In the aftermath of the tragedy at Newtown, we have an opportunity to address this failing. Recent legislation, which expands and secures mental health benefits for 62 million Americans, will help. So will additional actions proposed by the President that will help connect people with support services during the formative years when mental illness is most likely to first appear.But let’s be clear. Reducing barriers in the health care system isn’t enough. Too many people today fail to get the help they need simply because they’re afraid to ask – or because those around them don’t notice the signs until it’s too late.
When we see someone having a heart attack, our reaction is to rush to help. Yet when we see someone in the middle of a psychotic or major depressive episode, our instinct is often to keep our head down and walk the other way.
This is true not just for strangers, but also for our loved ones. Too often, we fail to offer support. We blame the person with the illness. We tell people to toughen up.
If we’re really going to turn a corner, we need to create a culture in which people are able to talk openly about mental illness and those with mental illness and their families are able to seek help.
That’s why the President asked Education Secretary Arne Duncan and me to launch a national dialogue on mental health. The national dialogue will encourage community conversations around the country to raise awareness about mental health, and reduce the fear, shame, and misperceptions that often prevent people from getting the help they need.
We need to let people know it’s okay to talk about mental illness if they are struggling and urge them to seek help if they need it. We need to encourage people to reach out to friends or loved ones who are struggling. And we need to give people hope by letting them know that treatment is effective and people do recover.
While we know that the vast majority of Americans who struggle with a mental illness are not violent, we also know we must do much more to ensure that those with mental illness get the care they need. That will only happen if we bring mental illness out of the shadows once and for all. All of us – parents, teachers, faith leaders, health providers, neighbors, and friends – have a role to play in making this happen.
Kathleen Sebelius was sworn in as the 21st Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on April 28, 2009. Since taking office, Secretary Sebelius has led ambitious efforts to improve America’s health and enhance the delivery of human services to some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations, including young children, those with disabilities, and the elderly.
Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships for Public Health: Q&A with Acacia Salatti
This past April, NewPublicHealth, a blog of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, spoke with Acacia Salatti about the Partnership Center’s prevention efforts in U.S. communities.
NewPublicHealth: What is the role of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships?
Acacia Salatti: Our office is an open door for faith and community stakeholders. We see it as a two-way partnership: our Center is able to provide information on health and human services programs, and we are able to gain a deeper understanding about what other types of best practices are happening in the community. We are one of 13 faith and neighborhood partnership offices in federal agencies and we all work to together to help faith and community stakeholders create a positive impact in their communities.
NPH: Why is prevention important to the office and how does the office align with the National Prevention Strategy?
Acacia Salatti: Without prevention, how are we going to be able to create and sustain healthier communities? One critical issue that the Surgeon General highlights in the National Prevention Strategy is the need to convene diverse partners and we do that. One of our key strengths is our ability to bring together all different types of stakeholders to talk about public health and prevention. We have a Health Systems Learning Group, which the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has supported, which evolved out of a series of stakeholder meetings hosted by the White House and our office. The goal is to create strategies that will focus on preventive care. So, for example, we’re working with health systems, community health centers, and with faith and community stakeholders to close care gaps and address coordination and lack of capacity.
NPH: What are some of the efforts you are taking in engaging communities to help individuals enroll in insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
Acacia Salatti: We have been hosting monthly ACA webinars in both English and Spanish. Over the course of two years we’ve done close to 80, which have helped community leaders understand new opportunities for coverage under changes such as new rules for behavioral health coverage and the Medicaid expansion. What is so critical is that people can’t take advantage of new services and benefits unless they know about them. So we continue to work with faith and community stakeholders so that we can get that information to local communities as easily as possible.
NPH: How can public health help leverage partnerships with faith-based communities?
Acacia Salatti: I think the ways are just really countless. Faith communities have been working in the public health arena for decades, which is so important for us to recognize. They have been hosting health clinics, partnering with their local health departments, initiating community gardens – all kinds of critical activities. I think for us it’s about helping them take those efforts to the next level. For example, we’re working on the Million Hearts initiative in trying to reduce cardiovascular disease. We’re providing community and faith leaders toolkits and other resources and connecting groups with other people on the ground. And then they take that information and reach into vulnerable and other hard-to-reach populations. They know their communities, they know what works, they know what doesn’t work, and so they do it in a variety of different ways – such as a congregational bulletin insert or having someone from a local community health center speak to their community about the services available at the health center.
A great example is what they’ve been doing to help prevent seasonal flu. HHS and Walgreens have a public-private partnership and through that we’ve been able to provide community leaders with flu shot vouchers for community residents. That has been made even easier by Walgreens bringing mobile clinics into communities.
And last year we hosted a minority health summit together with the HHS Office of Minority Health and the National Association of County and City Health Officials during NACCHO’s annual meeting. We did that because we wanted to help provide local health departments with great ideas and partnerships and best practices taking place in other neighborhoods and faith-based communities. Health departments are under a lot of budget constraints, as we all are, and are just trying to figure out how to do their job effectively and so may not know what other groups are doing and where they may be able to partner. We’ve gotten a lot of really great feedback on the summit but to me the most amazing thing was looking at all the public health officials sitting right next to community and faith leaders talking about the issue of public health and innovative approaches and learning from each other. That’s my job – to see how we can bring people and strategies together for the public good.
Health Centers to Help Uninsured Individuals Gain Affordable Health Insurance Coverage
Obama administration provides $150 million for health centers to offer enrollment assistance nationwide
Last week, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced new funding to help more uninsured Americans enroll in new health insurance coverage options made available by the Affordable Care Act. Approximately $150 million will help community health centers provide in-person enrollment assistance to uninsured individuals across the nation. About 1,200 health centers operate nearly 9,000 service delivery sites nationwide and serve approximately 21 million patients each year.“Health centers have extensive experience providing eligibility assistance to patients, are providing care in communities across the Nation, and are well-positioned to support enrollment efforts,” Secretary Sebelius said. “Investing in health centers for outreach and enrollment assistance provides one more way the Obama administration is helping consumers understand their options and enroll in affordable coverage.”
Reminder: Navigators Program Funding Announced, Applications Due June 7
Starting October 1, 2013, consumers in all states will be able to choose new affordable health insurance options through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Some states are setting up a State-based Marketplace, other states will work with the federal government in a State Partnership Marketplace, and the remaining states will have a Federally-facilitated Marketplace.No matter what state they live in, consumers can get help as they apply for and choose new insurance options. You can help provide that assistance in a number of different ways: by becoming Navigators, in-person assistance personnel, or certified application counselors. In addition, agents and brokers can help consumers enroll in new insurance options.
Enroll America Replay of Navigator Webinar
Enroll America recently hosted a webinar on the Navigator program. A video replay of the Enroll America webinar, slides, and related materials are available now in their webinar archives. More information is also available on materials include:
Health Insurance Marketplace Application Simplified and Shortened
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that the application for health coverage has been simplified and significantly shortened. The application for individuals without health insurance has been reduced to three pages, and the application for families is reduced by two-thirds. The consumer-friendly forms are much shorter than industry standards for health insurance applications today.In addition, for the first time consumers will be able to fill out one simple application and see their entire range of health insurance options, including plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and tax credits that will help pay for premiums.
Heart Attack Prevention focus of Women’s Health Week
The HHS Partnership Center celebrated Women’s Health Week by offering webinars in English and Spanish on knowing the signs of a heart attack for women. Make the Call, Don’t Miss a Beat is a campaign sponsored by the HHS Office on Women's Health and facilitated in Spanish by the HHS Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs to identify the signs of a heart attack and know what to do when you have one.CCDF Proposed Regulations Webinar for Faith-based and Community Stakeholders
Last week, HHS announced a plan to improve child care through regulatory changes to the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF). Many faith-based and community child care providers serve children who receive CCDF subsidies. The proposed regulation will better ensure children’s health and safety in child care and promote school readiness. Please join us for this webinar to learn more about the proposed regulation and how you can provide input to the Administration on these changes.We encourage you to forward this registration notice to partners or affiliates in your network that provide child care or are connected to programs that provide child care in local communities.
To register for this CCDF webinar, click here.
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Time: 1 – 2:30pm EDT
Hunger Is a Health Issue, and One Health System’s Approach to Addressing It
By Heidi Christensen, Associate Director for Community Engagement, HHS Partnership CenterHow many times have you heard that the key to weight loss is eating less and exercising more? It’s all about calories in and calories out, right?
If only it were that simple.
As many of the HHS Partnership Center’s community partners know, there are complicated social circumstances that contribute to the poor health of our nation’s families. One of those “determinants” is the lack of access to healthy and affordable food. Populations with the greatest risk of obesity are often the same community members wondering from day to day where their next meal is coming from. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, at the very same time communities are struggling with obesity, over 16 million children live in food-insecure households.
National Nurses Week: Faith Community Nurses Healing Hearts, Minds and Spirits
By Heidi Christensen, Associate Director for Community Engagement, HHS Partnership CenterIn New Hampshire, members of Lyme Congregational Church are rolling up their sleeves to have their blood pressure checked, while others are delivering homemade soups and homegrown vegetables to their neighbors in need. Still others are developing the skills and strength needed to care for their elderly parents. All this activity falls under the nurturing supervision of the Lyme Health Ministry and its faith community nurse, Ellen Thompson, who says, “Every day, our health ministry reaches out to our community members in new and profoundly life giving ways.”
During National Nurses Week, we were eager to recognize the significant contributions that Faith Community Nurses (FCNs) make as they bring their expertise and skills to encourage the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their congregations and surrounding communities.
Spotlight on Staff: Heidi Christensen
Greetings! As the Associate Director for Community Engagement here at the HHS Partnership Center, my daily task is to find ways to build and support collaborative efforts between faith-based and community nonprofit organizations and HHS that provide access to quality health care and address chronic disease prevention.Presidential Proclamation: National Day of Prayer
Americans have long turned to prayer both in times of joy and times of sorrow. On their voyage to the New World, the earliest settlers prayed that they would "rejoice together, mourn together, labor, and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work." From that day forward, Americans have prayed as a means of uniting, guiding, and healing. In times of hardship and tragedy, and in periods of peace and prosperity, prayer has provided reassurance, sustenance, and affirmation of common purpose.Prayer brings communities together and can be a wellspring of strength and support. In the aftermath of senseless acts of violence, the prayers of countless Americans signal to grieving families and a suffering community that they are not alone. Their pain is a shared pain, and their hope a shared hope. Regardless of religion or creed, Americans reflect on the sacredness of life and express their sympathy for the wounded, offering comfort and holding up a light in an hour of darkness.
All of us have the freedom to pray and exercise our faiths openly. Our laws protect these God-given liberties, and rightly so. Today and every day, prayers will be offered in houses of worship, at community gatherings, in our homes, and in neighborhoods all across our country. Let us give thanks for the freedom to practice our faith as we see fit, whether individually or in fellowship.
On this day, let us remember in our thoughts and prayers all those affected by recent events, such as the Boston Marathon bombings, the Newtown, Connecticut shootings, and the explosion in West, Texas. Let us pray for the police officers, firefighters, and other first responders who put themselves in harm's way to protect their fellow Americans. Let us also pray for the safety of our brave men and women in uniform and their families who serve and sacrifice for our country. Let us come together to pray for peace and goodwill today and in the days ahead as we work to meet the great challenges of our time.
The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a “National Day of Prayer.”
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2, 2013, as a National Day of Prayer. I join the citizens of our Nation in giving thanks, in accordance with our own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and in asking for God's continued guidance, mercy, and protection.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Apply to be a Community Economic Development Application Reviewer Today!
The HHS Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Community Services is seeking expert reviewers with a broad array of direct, community economic development experience to help select grantees for the Community Economic Development (CED) program.Let’s Move Faith and Communities:
Upcoming We Can! webinars
We invite you to join Let’s Move Faith and Communities for a special series of on-line training opportunities that will equip health leaders to run the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) We Can! program in their communities. We Can! is a science-based national education program that provides parents, caregivers and communities with tools and strategies to help families improve food choices, increase physical activity and reduce screen time. Upcoming EventsInteractive Webinars on the Health Care LawThe HHS Partnership Center continues to host a series of webinars for faith and community leaders. All webinars are open to the public and include a question and answer session.To participate in one of the webinars, please select your preferred topic from the list below and submit the necessary information. Please click on the title of the webinar and fill out the registration form. After registering you will receive an e-mail confirmation containing information about joining the webinar. Please contact us at if you have problems registering or if you have any questions about the health care law. National Webinars May 23, 2:00 p.m. ET – The Health Care Law 101 A presentation on the main provisions in the Affordable Care Act, the health care law, and how to access care in your community. Information on the Health Insurance Marketplace, how to help enroll others in health insurance, and how to receive updates on implementation of the law will be shared.June 5 at 1:00 pm ET – Q and A on the ACA If you have questions about the health care law, the Affordable Care Act, this is the webinar for you! Questions that have been asked about the health care law will be answered as well as new questions submitted online. Please send your questions for the webinar, with your name and organization listed, by close of business June 4 to |
Grant Opportunities
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Grants Forecast is a database of planned grant opportunities proposed by its agencies. Each Forecast record contains actual or estimated dates and funding levels for grants that the agency intends to award during the fiscal year. Forecast opportunities are subject to change based on enactment of congressional appropriations.
When funding is available and an agency is ready to accept applications, the agency will issue an official notice, known as a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will be available on how to apply.
As always, the final section of our newsletter includes an updated grants listing that faith-based and community non-profits can pursue. All of these grant programs are competitive. It is important to review the funding announcement thoroughly to ensure that the grant opportunity is one that is appropriate to your organization’s mission, size, and scope.When funding is available and an agency is ready to accept applications, the agency will issue an official notice, known as a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will be available on how to apply.
Grants Listings
Title: National Resource Center on Women and Retirement PlanningDescription: The Administration on Aging (AoA), an agency of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), plans to award one cooperative agreement to support a National Resource Center on Women and Retirement Planning (Center). Through the Center, the grantee will partner with the ACL/AoA to assist the National Network on Aging (Network) to implement objectives that help older adults, especially low-income women and women of color to afford access to secure retirements by avoiding incidences of fraud or financial exploitation.
Eligibility: Faith-based and community organizations that meet eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Community Living
Title: OJJDP FY 2013 National Girls Institute
Description: Through this program, OJJDP seeks to support its National Girls Institute (NGI) to advance the understanding and application of promising and evidence-based prevention, intervention, treatment, and aftercare programs and services for at-risk and juvenile justice- involved girls. NGI accomplishes its mission through a broad range of activities, including training and technical assistance (TTA); information dissemination; collaboration with researchers and program developers; partnership with federal, state, and local agencies; policy development; and other leadership functions
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: May 30, 2013
Grant administered by the: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Title: Promoting, Strengthening and Enhancing Disease Prevention by Collaboration with Targeted Stakeholders
Description: Working through targeted stakeholders, including WIC staff, coalitions, stakeholders and parents, the awardee will increase accurate information on social media and will educate WIC staff about vaccine recommendation and best practices. These activities will in the long term reduce barriers and lead to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from vaccine preventable diseases.
Eligibility: Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501C3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education)
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 5, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: PPHF 2013 Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated and State Partnership Exchanges
Eligibility: This cooperative agreement funding opportunity is open to self-employed individuals and private and public entities. The regulation implementing Affordable Care Act Section 1311(i), 45 C.F.R. § 155.210, requires that at least two types of entities serve as Navigators in each Exchange, and that at least one Navigator be a community and consumer- focused nonprofit. We also note that during their term as Navigators, individuals and entities are not permitted to receive any direct or indirect consideration fro m a health insurance issuer connected to the enrollment of individuals into QHPs or non-QHPs.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: June 7, 2013
Grant is administered by the: Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
Title: Refugee Microenterprise Development Projects
Description: The broad goals of the Refugee Microenterprise Development Project are to: 1. Assist refugees in becoming economically self-sufficient by owning and managing a small business, 2. Provide seed money to refugee serving organizations to start and develop microenterprise program that will serve refugees at sustained and expanded levels, and 3. Help mainstream organizations develop the experience of serving refugee populations. In order to achieve these objectives, award recipients under this announcement will provide pre-business and post-business technical assistance as well as capital to refugee entrepreneurs.
Eligibility: Eligible applicants for refugee programs under 412(c)(1)(A) are "public and private nonprofit agencies." Faith-based and community organizations that meet eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families
Title: OVC FY13 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Description: Approximately seven cooperative agreements of up to $400,000 each will be awarded to provide timely, high-quality services to victims of human trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended, and to enhance interagency collaboration and coordination in the provision of services to such victims. Funding will support either a comprehensive array of services for all trafficking victims, or specialized services for trafficking victims. Funding also will support efforts to increase the capacity of communities to respond to victims through the development of interagency partnerships and professional training, public outreach, and awareness campaigns.
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations with a demonstrated history of providing victim assistance, social services, legal services, shelter or mental health services for victims of human trafficking are eligible to apply.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 10, 2013
Grant administered by the: U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime
Title: It Takes a Village: Building State, Local, Tribal, Territorial Partnerships for Community Preparedness and Response
Description: This project is intended to improve community preparedness and response and to strengthen resiliency-which will reduce injury related morbidity and mortality in public health emergencies and strengthen community and national recovery in the aftermath. The awardee will innovatively identify key issues and lessons learned that could impact communities, states, and regions and that will foster national collaboration. This can be done through improved preparation before an event by including community members in planning for known threats in their community; equipping community members to respond in the event of a public health emergency; and by providing the tools and resources to better recover in the aftermath.
Eligibility: Nonprofit with 501 (c) 3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501(c) 3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 18, 2013. In addition, a Letter of Intent is requested but not required. Letter of Intent Deadline Date: May 24, 2013.
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: National Innovative Partnerships for Addressing Obesity through Environmental Supports for Nutrition and Physical Activity
Description: CDC is issuing this FOA as one of many efforts to reverse the U.S. obesity epidemic and to prevent projected obesity-related health and economic consequences. CDC seeks to create or enhance national innovative collaborations to raise awareness, engage in collective action, and facilitate environmental and system improvements that promote healthy eating and physical activity in places where individuals live, learn, and work (e.g., child care centers, hospital and medical care facilities, workplaces, communities, and schools). Under this FOA, organizations will receive funding to increase awareness of and promote implementation of environmental and system supports across states, at least one in each of the ten HHS regions, to create healthier places and lead to improvements in healthy eating and physical activity behaviors across the U.S.
Eligibility: Nonprofit with 501 (c) 3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Nonprofit without 501(c) 3 IRS status (other than institution of higher education), Community-based organizations, Faith-based organizations
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: June 24, 2013
Grant administered by the: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Title: FY 2014 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Reception and Placement Program
Description: The purpose of the R&P Program is to promote the successful reception and placement of all persons who are admitted to the United States under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. For the purpose of this announcement, “refugee” is defined as a person admitted to the United States under section 207(c) of the INA, as amended, or a person to whom eligibility for the resettlement assistance available to individuals admitted under section 207(c) has been extended by statute.
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last day to Apply: July 1, 2013
Grant administered by the: U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
Title: Community Economic Development Healthy Food Financing Initiative Projects
Description: Through the Community Economic Development program and within the framework of the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (CED-HFFI), the Office of Community Services (OCS) seeks to fund projects that will implement innovative strategies for eliminating food deserts while achieving sustainable employment and business opportunities for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other low-income individuals whose income level does not exceed 125 percent of the Federal poverty level
Eligibility: Faith-based and community organizations that meet eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: July 2, 2013
Grant administered by the: Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Community Services
Title: Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series
Description: The purpose of this grant opportunity is to bring together academic institutions/organizations and community organizations to identify opportunities for addressing health disparities through the use of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). The objectives of meetings conducted as part of this award will be to: (1) establish and/or enhance academic-community partnerships; (2) identify community-driven research priorities, and (3) develop long-term collaborative CBPR research agendas.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations with or without 501(c)(3) status are encouraged to apply. The opportunity is also available to various governmental entities, local organizations, for-profit groups and small businesses.
Link to Full Announcement: Link to Full Announcement
Last Day to Apply: October 17, 2013
Grant administered by the: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
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