SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot.com]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN NOVIEMBRE de 2016 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2016. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (11164)
- ▼ noviembre (200)
- Misdiagnoses: A hidden risk of genetic testing - C...
- PHG Foundation | Europe moves to prevent genetic d...
- Geneticists should offer data to participants : Na...
- Lost in LDTs | Articles | ClinicalOMICs
- Editorial commentary: Genetic testing in the absen...
- Regulating whole exome sequencing as a diagnostic ...
- 1970s and 'Patient 0' HIV-1 genomes illuminate ear...
- The impact of a panel of 18 SNPs on breast cancer ...
- Smoking may affect DNA for more than 30 years - Me...
- Utilization of genetic testing among children with...
- Challenges in the health economics of familial hyp...
- Regulatory bioinformatics for food and drug safety...
- Two Genetic Markers that Predict Malaria Treatment...
- Regulatory Oversight of Cell and Gene Therapy Prod...
- Prenatal Genetic Testing of Pap Smears: Papoose? |...
- A primer on precision medicine informatics. - PubM...
- Blog|Genomics|CDC
- OPHG Publications|Genomics|CDC
- Videos|Genomics|CDC
- Implenting Public Health Genomics|Events|Genomics|...
- Legislative Report to the General Assembly: Advers...
- SIDM Diagnostic Fellowship. | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings. | AHRQ Pati...
- Measures to improve diagnostic safety in clinical ...
- Morbidity and mortality conferences: a narrative r...
- Information handoff and outcomes of critically ill...
- Psychological responses, coping and supporting nee...
- Healthy life-years lost and excess bed-days due to...
- S-TEAMS: a truly multiprofessional course focusing...
- From the closest observers of patient care: a them...
- IT-CARES: an interactive tool for case-crossover a...
- Measuring patient safety: the Medicare Patient Saf...
- Making the journey safe: recognising and respondin...
- Antimicrobial stewardship and patient safety. | AH...
- Discrepancies between prescribed and actual pediat...
- Building a culture of safety in ophthalmology. | A...
- Creating highly reliable health care: how reliabil...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: Perspectives o...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network: WebM&M Cases
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient safety events during medical-surgical hosp...
- Risk-adjusted survival for adults following in-hos...
- Multimethod study of a large-scale programme to im...
- Economic value of pharmacist-led medication reconc...
- HRSA eNews November 3, 2016
- Open Enrollment 2017
- NIAID Funding News - November 3, 2016
- Drug Shortages Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Prepaga debe ortorgar cober...
- NLM Webinar Series: "Insider's Guide to Accessing ...
- CDC MMWR News Synopsis for November 4, 2016
- REMINDER: Register for AHRQ Webcast: Using Just Cu...
- CDC - October 2016 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 43
- Seven substances added to 14th Report on Carcinoge...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Investigation of th...
- blog.aids.gov − Enroll in 2017 health insurance co...
- blog.aids.gov − Open Enrollment Begins November 1
- A Person-Centered Approach to Advanced Illness
- IRF and LTCH Quality Measure Report Call- Register...
- Registration Reports
- IRF and LTCH Quality Reporting Program Data Submis...
- MedSun Newsletters
- PH WINS | State Public Health | ASTHO
- Building and Sustaining Strong Public Health Agenc...
- MercatorNet: The first statistics for Quebec’s eut...
- La mayoría de muertes por cáncer de mama y cérvix ...
- Médicos del Mundo denuncia desigualdades de acceso...
- CSI-F urge la convocatoria de la Mesa General tras...
- Comín: 'A mayor desigualdad económica, mayor desig...
- La ciencia seguirá sin Ministerio y dependiente de...
- Reacciones del sector: se necesitan cambios urgent...
- Dolors Montserrat, ministra de Sanidad - DiarioMed...
- Condena por no derivar con urgencia una lesión por...
- Avalada la antigüedad de un contratado en periodos...
- Absuelven por error del juez al valorar el informe...
- Ética y responsabilidad, conceptos fundamentales d...
- Gravar las bebidas azucaradas en México podría red...
- La SEQC propone recomendaciones para reducir las p...
- El CGCOM y la SEOM firman un acuerdo para la recer...
- Umbrales, valores y el coste-efectividad de las te...
- Susana Díaz subraya el esfuerzo en los Presupuesto...
- La Sanidad perdió 52.503 puestos de trabajo en los...
- Dolors Montserrat Montserrat, nueva ministra de Sa...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cuando la desigualdad enfer...
- FDA Law Blog: There’s a New Reporting Tool in Town...
- CDRH New Update
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Updates to Medicaid Long-Term Services and Support...
- Open Enrollment is here!
- El CGCOM y SEOM firman un acuerdo para la recertif...
- El Servicio Navarro de Salud se vuelca en la AP in...
- Defensa de la Sanidad pública denuncia la privatiz...
- Los médicos ante la jubilación: ¿Qué ha ocurrido? ...
- La regulación de ensayos mejora la competitividad ...
- AHRQ’s CUSP Helps Sinai Health System Reduce Infec...
- New Zealand Uses AHRQ Resources to Promote Nationw...
- NIST Announces CyberSeek, An Interactive Resource ...
- ASPE se posiciona contra Comín y su "oferta" de co...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [http://saludequitativa.blogspot....
- ▼ noviembre (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (11064)
- ▼ noviembre (100)
- Supporting warrior care through interagency, inter...
- Eifel Health Consortium: German doctors examine ba...
- CMS NEWS: CMS publishes proposed rule on Fire Safe...
- CDER New November 3, 2016
- MercatorNet: Canadian court ruling on university c...
- MercatorNet: The multiple harms of marijuana for y...
- MercatorNet: The dirty tricks of Big Marijuana
- Tune in to Safe Healthcare: Free Continuing Educat...
- CDRH New Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ola de violencia en los ...
- CMS NEWS:A Healthier Medicare: Focusing on Primary...
- What's New at CBER Update | Center for Biologics E...
- FDA Law Blog: Keeping Up with ..... FDA’s Drug Com...
- La Asociación de Investigadores en eSalud crea la ...
- NHSN: Transition to the 2015 Rebaseline Guidance f...
- Webcast option for Forensics@NIST 2016 - Nov. 8-9,...
- NICE Framework Provides Resource for a Strong Cybe...
- Taking Steps To Protect Safety in Ambulatory Care ...
- New System Aims To Improve Patient Safety Monitori...
- TeamStepps | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qual...
- Designing and Delivering Whole-Person Transitional...
- AHRQ’s Simulation Dictionary: A New Tool To Suppor...
- Healthcare Simulation Dictionary | Agency for Heal...
- First Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation Dictiona...
- Help Prescribing Clinicians Choose the Right Antib...
- AHRQ's Healthcare-Associated Infections Program | ...
- It’s Prime Time for Nursing Homes: New AHRQ Antimi...
- New AHRQ Guide Helps Nursing Homes Tackle Antimicr...
- STATISTICAL BRIEF #496: Characteristics of Persons...
- Access To Mental Health Care Increased But Not For...
- Closing the Gap in Antiretroviral Initiation and V...
- Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: Safety-Ne...
- Consistency of dementia caregiver intervention cla...
- Patient portals and health apps: Pitfalls, promise...
- Rethinking Thirty-Day Hospital Readmissions: Short...
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Does Not Increase Risk of Sho...
- Locating Errors Through Networked Surveillance: A ...
- HRO Corner: The New Modules of the Patient Safety ...
- DoD PSP Treasure Chest: November Edition | Health....
- CMS NEWS: CMS Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Prog...
- Nursing Home User Comparative Database Reports | A...
- MercatorNet: Why don’t we work longer?
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia releases me but betrays my...
- Drug Shortages Update
- El Congreso Nacional de eSalud presentará acredita...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La Provincia ofrece viviend...
- FDA Law Blog: Is it Time for a Single Food Agency?...
- AHRQ’s Simulation Dictionary: A New Tool To Suppor...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New November 2, 2016
- New Drug Safety Podcasts- Drug Information Update
- NIMH » RDoC Unit to Co-host Webinar Series
- Last Day to Register for NIST@Forensics 2016! (Nov...
- Consumer expenditure on FDA regulated products: 20...
- Access to PHI, Guidance on HIPAA, and More
- CMS NEWS: CMS Finalizes Hospital Outpatient Prospe...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Awards Contracts for the DMEPOS Comp...
- Designing and Delivering Whole-Person Transitional...
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- #38CongresoSemergen: Los expertos coinciden en que...
- #38CongresoSermergen: Los nuevos anticoagulantes, ...
- El 50% de pacientes que toman antibióticos lo hace...
- Jon Darpón expone los retos inmediatos y comunes d...
- La evaluación económica busca que el Sistema de Sa...
- #38CongresoSemergen: "Estamos achacando el problem...
- #38CongresoSemergen: "Necesitamos dividir las enfe...
- La Generalitat Valenciana aprueba un acuerdo para ...
- OMS | Investigaciones para una cobertura sanitaria...
- New Teach-Back Resources Available from AHRQ
- ProMED-mail
- CMS 2016 Quality Conference - December 13-15, 2016...
- CDER New November 1, 2016
- Revised: Injury Center Recruitment Announcement
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- The FDA to Co-host a Workshop Titled “Promoting Se...
- CFSAN Constituent Update
- blog.aids.gov − Data to Care: A Critical Tool for ...
- November 2016 CMS National Training Program Update...
- NIST Collaboration Heats Up Exotic Topological Ins...
- Open Enrollment Begins Today
- NGC Semantic vs Full Text Searching (Official Tuto...
- NGC Update Service: October 31, 2016 || U.S. Multi...
- NGC Update Service: October 31, 2016 || Department...
- NGC Update Service: October 31, 2016 || Colorado D...
- NGC Update Service: October 31, 2016 || American S...
- Aumentan las sentencias por errores médicos en cán...
- CMS NEWS: Health Insurance Enforcement and Consume...
- NQMC Update Service: October 31, 2016 || Canadian ...
- CMS NEWS: Date Change & Phased Enforcement of Part...
- CMS NEWS: CMS Announces Final Payment Changes for ...
- Job Openings
- El 70% de los médicos de AP supera la prueba de ev...
- CDRH New Update
- NOT-HS-17-002: Notice of Intent to Publish Funding...
- Affordable Care Act Myths: Busted!
- FDA Law Blog: Webinar: From Wearables to Big Data ...
- MercatorNet: ‘Peer review’, a buzzword in deep tro...
- ► septiembre (1109)
- ▼ noviembre (100)


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