sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

New This Week on HealthIT.gov

New This Week on HealthIT.gov

The HealthIT.gov website contains a wealth of resources for patients and families; providers and professionals; and researchers and policy implementers. Some of the recent updates to the site include:
National Learning Consortium resources: The National Learning Consortium (NLC), in partnership with HealthIT.gov, regularly publishes knowledge and resources from the field from ONC's grant programs to help providers and professionals throughout the EHR implementation lifecycle and to achieve meaningful use.
We recently posted NLC fact sheets related to patient portals. The first fact sheet, Using Patient Portals in Ambulatory Care Settings, outlines the Meaningful Use Stage 1 requirements and includes common concerns, facts and tips related to launching a patient portal. The second fact sheet, Frequently Asked Questions about the Patient Portal, is a patient-facing resource that answers several FAQs from patients such as why patient portals are important and how they can be used. To view other NLC resources, visit the EHR implementation lifecycle steps.
Federal Advisory Committees: The Health IT Policy and Standards Committee Workgroups are recruiting new members to participate and help America modernize its health care system through health IT. ONC has developed an online database to allow anyone with an interest in contributing their expertise to submit their information for future consideration as a workgroup member. Learn more about the Federal Advisory Committees and workgroups at http://www.healthit.gov/policy-researchers-implementers/federal-advisory-committees-facas.
Regulations FAQs: Find answers to frequently asked questions on ONC regulations related to electronic health record (EHR) standards and certification criteria as well as the certification process. These FAQs are meant to provide additional guidance to ONC-ACBs, EHR technology vendors, and eligible providers under the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.

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